Last Updated on November 8, 2021 by Ran
The Sunshine Blogger Award is recognition for all the bloggers who are spreading positivity and good vibes through their blogs.
I was nominated by @blograiny, which is totally amazing. As mentioned in her blog, I also think that’s a really awesome idea for bloggers to build a community and support each other online!
According to the rules, I have to:
- Answer the 11 questions by the blogger who tagged me (thank you!)
- Create new questions for my tagged bloggers
- Tag 11 other bloggers who spread positivity through their blogs!
So without further ado, here we go!
Table of Contents
If you could eat one meal every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Chicken adobo, definitely! When I was in college, I used to eat this almost every single day and I never got tired of it. It’s very easy to prepare. My family has their own recipe though. Fun fact: even though adobo is my favorite food, I won’t eat it if it’s not my family’s own recipe.
When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?
When I was 2, I wanted to be a boy, apparently. I idolized my dad and wanted to be just like him when I grew up. Every time they’d make me dress in skirts and blouses (like mom), I’d insist to be dressed in jeans and polo shirts (like my dad). I did get my way for about 4 more years.
When I was 5, I wanted to be a pediatrician! My mom’s a nurse, so I was always at the hospital. I thought pediatricians were the warmest, kindest people on Earth, since they always gave me candies.
When I was 10, I wanted to be a prosecutor. I even started reading up on my country’s law books because I was so determined to become one. Aaaand let’s leave it at that.
What is your favorite thing to do on a lazy day?
I like doing some catching up on my reading. I’ve always loved reading books since I was a child. But who are we kidding, lazy days are rare for me now, sadly. I’m so busy nowadays that I rarely have time for books, which is a shame.
Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall?

I live in a tropical country, so unfortunately we have no seasons. K is Korean though, so he tells me stories about their seasons sometimes! I always thought I was a winter person, but now that I’m getting older (and listening to K’s stories), I’m now starting to lean more towards fall.
Favorite book, movie, or TV show?
Oh no, this is hard. I have a lot! But off the top of my head, my favorite book is The King in The Window by Adam Gopnik, my favorite movie is Inception (I’ve watched in a gazillion times and I never get bored), and my favorite TV show is Black Mirror (again, I’ve watched this so many times I’ve almost memorized the dialogues.) Usually when I work, I have Black Mirror playing in the background.
Interesting fact about you?
I have no first-degree cousins or aunts or uncles. My parents both don’t have any siblings, and I don’t either.
How many cities or places have you lived in your life?

5 cities. Spent 6 years in one, spent 10 years in another, spent 2 years in the next, spent 3 years someplace else after that, and I’ve been living in my current place for [redacted] number of years. Can’t have you guys computing my age! 😉
If you could spend a day in someone else’s shoes, who’s would they be? Why?
My mom. She’s one of the most hardworking people I know. And also the kindest person on Earth. She works in a hospital but no matter how stressful it gets, she never seems to get angry or lose her patience. I’d like to see the world through her eyes even just for a day.
What does success mean to you?

Success, for me, means that I can live my life (and travel to my heart’s content!) with my loved ones without worrying about money. I do already have savings and investments now, but I’m definitely, definitely not yet there.
What is one thing you love most about yourself?
My creativity, perhaps? Sometimes it becomes a problem because I can’t sleep–too many stories going through my mind– but generally, I love it. I love being able to create something from nothing. I like to think of it as a gift.
What do you do for a living?
I’m currently not employed, at least not in a traditional sense. For a living, I write, do freelance jobs, and some other things. I’ve been doing this throughout college. I’m registered as self-employed with the Bureau of Internal Revenue and with the state of my country’s economy right now, that actually pays better than any traditional job here, sadly. Plus it allows me to travel freely, so that’s a nice perk.
Well, that was fun! Thank you so much again for tagging me for the Sunshine Blogger Award, @blograiny! I’m very grateful for this opportunity!
Here are my questions. I hope you have fun answering them and I’m looking forward to your replies!
- What is one thing you cannot live without?
- What inspires you every day?
- Where do you see yourself 3 years from now?
- If you can only wear one color for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
- What are you scared of?
- What is one thing you have to do everyday, no excuses?
- How do you find motivation?
- What is something you’d like to achieve before you die?
- Where are you currently and do you likce it there? Why?
- Any hobbies you’d like to take up in the future?
- What would you like to say to your younger self?
Here are the 11 awesome bloggers that I’m nominating for The Sunshine Blogger Award 2018. If only I could nominate more, I definitely would!
- Rebecca (Bexcapades) – Travel & Mental Health Blogger. Check out her Mental Health Monday section!
- Louise Grace (Lou Does Travel) – Travel Blogger. If you like getting to know the history of the places you’re going to, you’re going to enjoy her blog a lot!
- Lellalee (Lelallee Blog) – Mom Blogger. Lots of insights on family life!
- John (CarpediemEire) – Irish Travel Blogger. He has a lot of really cool blog posts on travel (plus he takes awesome photos) so be sure to check him out!
- Nadine (LivingItUpUCT) – Travel & Lifestyle Blogger. If you want to check out the best places in South Africa, head to her blog!
- Jess (Jerserry) – Malaysian Travel & Lifestyle Blogger. She covers “best of” posts and also does interviews with fellow travel bloggers, which is amazing!
- WanderingHobosapiens – Traveling Couple. Not travel bloggers exactly, but they tweet a lot of insightful and funny travel photos!
- Jade (MissJadeW) – Lifestyle Blogger. Her blog is quite personal, which makes for an interesting read!
- Millie (MillieGoes) – Travel Blogger. I just love her overall theme, it makes me feel so peaceful and ready to travel! If you’re a travel blogger, you should definitely take a look at her blog!
- Fi, Spags, Em (TheWanderingWhales) – Travel Bloggers. Three girls who are off to wander the world, especially through glampacking! Curious what that is? Head to their blog to find out!
- Stephanie (A Red Hair Girl) – Mom Blogger. Talk about life as a mom and a wife, as well as mental health issues. Very insightful!
If you also participated in the Sunshine Blogger Award, don’t forget to leave your blog links below so we can all check out your answers! 🌸
This is so nice 👍 and so happy to meet you and new blogger💕 I like this
Same! I’m happy too! ☺️
Thank you so much for the nomination, really appreciate it 😀 Found some really good bloggers in your list that I’m excited to follow 👍
Thanks again,
Louise |
Congrats on the nomination! I really enjoyed reading your answers to the set questions. I can’t imagine coming from such a small family as my mum is one of 6 and my dad is one of 10 😂 I have more cousins than I can remember! Totally agree with your idea of success too – definitely on the same wavelength with you there x
Thank you! ♥️ Oh my, THAT I can’t imagine! I do kinda envy you though — it must be nice to have so many family members! And yeah, I hope we both reach that level of success someday!
I love winter though everyone else seems to love summer a whole lot more!
-Kyra ||
Haha, I know! Summer is certainly a great season but it’s just waaay too hot for me!
I really enjoyed reading this! I love the way you write and your blog is really beautiful. Keep it up.
Thank you so much! I’m glad you found my blog beautiful! (Got the theme from ArtStudioWorks!) 🙂