Ran here, lover of all things bright and bubbly. I’m a 20-something girl who seems to have been bitten by the travel bug. I like blogging during my free time and my not-so-free time as well. Writing is my life, and so is travel. Budget travel is my favorite type of travel!
This blog serves as my online travel and lifestyle diary. It contains personal views, thoughts, opinions, rants, and basically just anything under the sun. Feel free to browse through this part of my online world!
My interests include traveling, writing, language learning, reading books, swimming, and gaming.
A few fun facts about me:
- I love chocolate milkshakes! I’m always in search of the best one.
- I once got stopped at Taipei Airport because of a metallic fridge magnet. I collect them as souvenirs!
- I don’t eat vegetables. I’m really sorry! ðŸ˜
- My favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate fudge. To be more specific, currently, it’s Selecta Hershey’s Dark Fudge.
- I find romance books and movies boring. I like romantic side stories, though, as long as they’re not the primary genre!
- Speaking of which, horror is my favorite genre. Thriller is my second favorite.
- I love animals of all kinds. Elephants and tigers are my favorites! I could watch them all day. Meanwhile, at home, I have several pet fishes and seven adorable dogs.
- At the top of my travel bucket list is going on an African Safari adventure.
- Another one is to visit all the aquariums in the world! One of my childhood dreams is to become a marine biologist. Visiting educational aquariums is one way for me to live it.
- I would rather clean the bathroom than wash the dishes. Ha!
- I enjoy learning different languages just for the heck of it. I took French and Japanese classes in college.
- Blue is my favorite color, but almost everything I own is light pink.
- I still play video games! These days, I usually play on Steam and on my handheld consoles. Would probably get a Switch later on, but it’s not high on my list of priorities.
- I may be talkative to my friends and family, but I’m actually very shy. When I’m not traveling, I don’t go out very much. And sometimes, even when I’m traveling, I need to spend some time indoors just to recharge from seeing so many people at one time.
- I want to get married at sea.

For any comments, concerns, queries, and suggestions, feel free to email me anytime at [email protected]. I also enjoy making friends, so just feel free to connect with me, really. Hoping to hear from you soon!